Picturi muzee europene - European museums paintings
Albumul contine timbre cu tematica pictura sortate dupa locatia unde sunt aceste picturi. Astfel sunt picturi din muzee mari si foarte cunoscute ca Rijkmuseum si Van Gogh din Amsterdam, Mauritshuis din Haga,, Antwerp, Munchen, Berlin, Dresda, muzeul Lichtenstein din Viena (cea mai mare colectie privata), National Gallery din Londra, Vatican, muzeul Uffizi Florenta, muzeul Prado din Madrid, muzeul Luvru si Orsay din Paris, Ermitaj din St. Petersburg, dar si picturi din muzee mai mici sau din palate sau biserici sau colectii private. La sfarsitul albumului sunt si serii de timbre cu picturi din muzee cu locatii diferite din europa. Cel mai valoros timbru este din Zaire - L'adoration des mages de Rubens localizat in Antwerp Belgia, a carui valoare de catalog este de 145$. Timbrele sunt intr-un clasor de timbre A4 Leuchtturm - 32 pagini negre (16 file).Pret 330 euro sau echivalentul in lei la data achizitionarii transport gratuit
The album contains stamps themed painting sorted by location. There are paintings from large and well-known museums as Rijkmuseum and Van Gogh in Amsterdam, Mauritshuis in The Hague, Antwerp, Munich, Berlin, Dresden, Lichtenstein Museum in Vienna (the largest private collection), National Gallery in London, Vatican Museum Florence's Uffizi, the Prado Museum in Madrid, the Louvre and Orsay Museum in Paris, the Hermitage of St. Petersburg, as well as paintings from smaller museums or palaces or churches or private collections. At the end of the album there are series of stamps with paintings with different locations in Europe. The most valuable stamp is from Zaire - L'adoration des mages de Rubens located in Antwerp Belgium, whose catalog value is $ 145. The stamps are in A4 Leuchtturm stamp cloth - 32 black pages (16 tabs).
Price 330 euro or the equivalent in lei at the date of purchase free shipping
Contact: Dan Vrabie - Bucuresti - Romania - mail: vrabie.dan@gmail.com
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