Sunday, November 19, 2017


Timbre si albume de timbre de vanzare 

Stamps and stamp albums for sale

Acest site este dedicat vanzarii de timbre si albume de timbre colectionate - achizitionate in special de pe ebay de la firme filatelice

This site is dedicated to the sale of stamps and collectible stamp albums - purchased mainly from ebay from philatelic firms

Contact:  Dan Vrabie - Bucuresti - Romania - mail:

Timbre de vanzare - Stamps for sale

Albume de timbre - Stamp albums:

Picturi muzeul Luvru - Paintings museum Louvre

Picturi muzeul Ermitaj - Paintings museum Hermitage

Picturi muzee europene - European museums paintings

Picturi Rubens - Rubens paintings

Picturi Rembrandt si Arta Moderna - Rembrandt and Modern Art paintings

Michelangelo opere de arta in timbre -Michelangelo artwork in stamps

Picturi asiatice si frantuzesti in timbre - Asian and French paintings in stamps

Picturi Durer, Van Gogh, Picasso, PHILEXAFRIQUE - Durer, Van Gogh, Picasso, PHILEXAFRIQUE paintings stamps

Picturi Titian, Raphael, Correggio, Caravaggio si dinmuzee americane - Titian, Raphael, Correggio, Caravaggio and American museums paintingsstamps

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