Picturi Rubens - Rubens paintings
Albumul contine timbre cu tematica pictura, pictate de Rubens, poate unul din cei mai mari pictori ai lumii din toate timpurile ( poate cel mai mare). Cert este ca emisiunile filatelice filatelice cu tema pictura il au in prim plan pe Rubens.Emisiunile filatelice aparute reprezinta picturi - de foarte buna calitate- ca in acest album Cel mai valoros timbru este din Zaire - L'adoration des mages de Rubens localizat in Antwerp Belgia, a carui valoare de catalog este de 145$. Albumul contine si 2 emisiuni filatelice private, din o colectie privata una de 18 timbre si una de 7 timbre (aflate la sfarsitul albumului - paginile de la 24 la 32) Timbrele sunt intr-un clasor de timbre A4 in etui Leuchtturm - 32 pagini negre (16 file) - LUX.Pret 310 euro sau echivalentul in lei la data achizitionarii transport gratuit
The album contains painted stamps painted by Rubens, perhaps one of the greatest painters of the world at all times (perhaps the greatest). It is certain that the philatelic philatelic prints with the theme of painting have the forefront of Rubens. The philatelic issues are paintings - of very good quality - as in this album The most valuable stamp is from Zaire - L'adoration des mages de Rubens located in Antwerp Belgium, whose catalog value is $ 145. The album also contains 2 private philatelic issues from a private collection one of 18 stamps and one of 7 stamps (at the end of the album - pages 24 to 32) Stamps are in a A4 stamp cloth in Leuchtturm - 32 pages black (16 files) - LUX..
Price 310 euro or the equivalent in lei at the time of purchase free of charge.
Contact: Dan Vrabie - Bucuresti - Romania - mail: vrabie.dan@gmail.com
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