Picturi Rembrandt si picturi Arta Moderna - Rembrandt and Modern Art paintings
Sectiunea Rembrandt a acestui album contine timbre ale principalelor picturi ale binecunoscutului pictor Rembrandt. Aceasta sectiune a albumului contine si 2 emisiuni filatelice private, din o colectie privata una de 21 timbre si una de 6 timbre (paginile de la 3 la
Sectiunea Arta Moderna a acestui album contine timbre reprezentand picturi ale unor cunoscuti pictori precum Monet, Matisse, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec. Picasso, Gauguin, Degas, Dali, Modigliani, Georges Seurat, George Bellows, Rene Magritte. Si aceasta sectiune contine 11 timbre - emisune filatelica privata din o colectie privata (paginile de la 28 la 32)
Timbrele sunt intr-un clasor de timbre A4 Leuchtturm - 32 pagini negre (16 file).
Pret 110 euro sau
echivalentul in lei la data achizitionarii + cheltuieli transport
The Rembrandt section of this album contains stamps of the main paintings of the well-known painter Rembrandt. This section of the album also contains 2 private philatelic issues from a private collection of 21 stamps and one of 6 stamps (pages 3 to 15).
The Modern Art section of this album contains stamps representing paintings by well-known painters such as Monet, Matisse, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec. Picasso, Gauguin, Degas, Dali, Modigliani, Georges Seurat, George Bellows, Rene Magritte. And this section contains 11 stamps - private philatelic issue from a private collection (pages 28 to 32)
The stamps are in A4 Leuchtturm stamp cloth - 32 black pages (16 tabs).
Price 110 euro or the equivalent in lei at acquisition date + shipping.
Contact: Dan Vrabie - Bucuresti - Romania - mail: vrabie.dan@gmail.com
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